Want to play a show?
We are a private residence, not a professional venue, and we rely on performers planning shows to reach out to us. What we offer in exchange for your performance is 100% of the door take, a place to sleep (that isn’t the floor), dinner the night of the show, and breakfast before you head out the next day. If this sounds like a good enough deal to you, reach out at houseconcerts@birdsongisland.ca and we’ll send you the full details.
Almost everyone who has played here has returned at least once - we are musicians who like to host other musicians!
Interested in a residency?
As part of our intention to share our space in a way that benefits others, we are working on offering a residency for songwriters once the Covid danger has minimized somewhat. We will be offering four to six spots per year of 5-10 days, which will be free of charge to the successful applicants. The only catch is, you will be asked to play a show at some point during the residency. Once we have the all-clear from our Provincial Health Officer, full details will be linked here.
Want to see a show?
This website will always list upcoming performances, but the best way to find out about what is coming up is to sign up for our mailing list.
Door time for our shows is usually at 7:00 PM and we take cash at the door. The suggested donation is $15-20 with all money going to the performers.
We support you bringing something to drink, or snacks to share. We also have beer and wine available by donation as well.
Birdsong hosts house concerts and musicians on Gabriola Island, BC.
More info below, or just sign up to the mailing list for house concert updates.